
CBD oil has grown in popularity over the last few years. CBD is a type of cannabinoid that doesn’t produce any psychoactive effects, but offers many health benefits. CBD dosages vary depending on what you are using CBD for. This article will discuss CBD dosage guidelines for various CBD products and how to decide which CBD dosage is right for you!

CBD Oil dosage

Dosage CBD oil products are available in many different concentrations, ranging from 100mg CBD per ml to over 1000+ mg CBD per fluid ounce. CBD dosage is based on how you intend to use CBD. For example: using it orally vs topically will have a major impact on the effectiveness of your product and the correct dosage for you!

How to calculate CBD dosage?

CBD oil CBD dosage is not a straightforward calculation. CBD dosage depends on many factors including: body weight, metabolic rate, medical conditions and more!

CBD dosage for anxiety:

Anxiety can be a very uncomfortable and distressing state of mind. CBD oil is most often used to treat this condition because it does not produce psychoactive effects, meaning you cannot “get high” from using CBD! This makes CBD a great option for people who are looking to avoid any psychoactive effects. CBD dosage for anxiety is typically a very low dose, with around 25mg of CBD being used as a starting point to assess efficacy and safety.

CBD dosage for sleep:

In addition to treating insomnia, hemp oil has been found effective in helping those who suffer from chronic pain, depression or anxiety! Hemp oil contains about 30% of the cannabinoid people ingest daily, making it an effective treatment for a wide range of issues. CBD dosage for sleep is typically around 100mg to 300+ mg per day!

Canadian CBD Oil

CBD dosage for epilepsy:

CBD has been found to be incredibly effective in helping patients suffering from epilepsy. Researchers have discovered that CBD dosage for epilepsy ranges between 20mg/kg up to 1500 mg daily, depending on the severity of your condition! This is a truly exceptional range and should give you an idea of how much CBD oil can do for you!

CBD dosage for cancer:

CBD dosage for cancer is still not determined by the FDA. However, studies have shown that CBD can slow down tumor growth and even kill various types of cancer cells! For this reason, many people turn to hemp oil as an effective natural alternative treatment. The recommended starting dose for treating any type of cancer with CBD is typically around 20mg /kg daily.

CBD dosage for chronic pain:

Chronic pain is a very debilitating condition that can make your life incredibly difficult to manage! CBD has been found effective in helping people with this type of pain because it reduces inflammation and also helps relax the mind and body, which are both contributors to chronic pain. Cbd Oil Dosage for chronic pain is typically a daily dose of 100mg to 300+ mg, depending on the severity.

CBD dosage for type-two diabetes:

In addition to helping patients with epilepsy or cancer, CBD has been found effective in treating type-two diabetes! This comes from cbd oil effects on insulin and blood sugar levels. CBD dosage for type-two diabetes is typically around 20mg/kg daily.

CBD dosage for fibromyalgia:

Fibromyalgia patients usually experience pain throughout the body and also suffer from sleep disturbances! Studies have found that about 40% of people with Fibromyalgia were successfully able to manage their symptoms by taking hemp oil extracts. CBD dosage for fibromyalgia is typically around 20mg/kg daily.

CBD oil dosage guidelines:

The best way to determine what your proper dose should be is by starting low and adjusting as needed until you find the perfect dose for you!

How to take CBD oil?

CBD oil can be taken orally or applied topically. If you are taking CBD to treat a condition such as sleep problems, anxiety or pain then using it sublingually under the tongue is going to provide increased effects! When ingesting CBD, your body absorbs about 66% of the product into your bloodstream within 60 minutes. This makes sublingual application the quickest way to feel relief!

CBD dosage for edibles:

Since CBD oil is a natural product, the dosage of each individual edible will vary based on weight. A typical dose for edibles containing 100 mg of CBD would be around 20mg per serving! Make sure you check out how many milligrams are in each gummy before eating them to ensure that you don’t take too much CBD!

Topical CBD dosage:

CBD is best absorbed through the skin, making it a great option for localized pain relief! The recommended amount of topical CBD you should take will vary based on your weight. If you are looking to use topicals as an anti-inflammatory or to treat inflammation then about .02mg per pound has been shown to be effective!

CBD dosage for dogs:

For pets, CBD oil can be used topically or orally. Topical application is great for localized pain relief and muscle soreness in your pup! If you are using hemp oil as a general wellness supplement then about .02mg per pound has been shown to effectively treat symptoms of anxiety and inflammation!

CBD dosage for cats:

For pets, CBD oil can be used topically or orally. Topical application is great for localized pain relief and muscle soreness in your pup! If you are using hemp oil as a general wellness supplement then about .02mg per pound has been shown to effectively treat symptoms of anxiety and inflammation!

CBD dosage for horses:

For pets, CBD oil can be used topically or orally. Topical application is great for localized pain relief and muscle soreness in your pup! If you are using hemp oil as a general wellness supplement then about .02mg per pound has been shown to effectively treat symptoms of anxiety and inflammation!

CBD Dosage Conclusion:

The best way to determine what your proper dose should be is by starting low and adjusting as needed until you find the perfect dose for you! If you suffer from any of the above issues, we recommend you asking a trained physician.

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April 2024


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